Hope for the New Year


So many times I’ve heard, “Well, 2020 is certainly a year everyone will remember!” Or this one: “2020 is a year we’d all like to forget!”

If I were to interpret these, I would say both statements mean pretty much the same thing, don’t they? This is a year unlike any other in which we all had to change many (most?!) plans, pivot and try again in a new way, only to find ourselves changing plans again or cancelling altogether. That’s just been the 2020 way of it, right? This was a year that left many of us sad, discouraged, depressed and even broken. This was a year filled with tears and fears. But it is up to us to decide how to remember it.

What sticks out in your mind?  

What will you tell your grands and great grands someday? 

What would you want to be written in the history books? 

What did you write in your journal these past months?  That’s how you’ll remember it.

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

We will remember the sudden shutdown of our schools and churches that led to distance learning/distance teaching and online worship for 2 months this past Spring.

The virtual high school graduation ceremony in our living room and the postponed confirmation with only immediate family present is seared in our minds.

Tears have been shed over the International Youth Rally, mission trip to Germany and a mother-daughter trip to Florida that never happened and the pictures that were never taken. 

My heart hurts when I think of the way the church looked, not only for 2 whole months, but on one of the most celebrated festivals of the Christian Church. Aside from the 12-15 people needed to ensure the service could be broadcast, it was empty. 

The endless mandates, restrictions, cancellations and shutdowns are all things we would much rather forget. Yet these are the things that dictated what our lives looked like, and will be part of how we remember 2020.

And when I think on all those things, all I want to do is curl up on my bed and sob big tears all over again. So much planned; so much we missed out on. We can never get these things back or capture memories where the opportunity door has closed. 

Therefore, I strive to remember the things that make me smile, things that start drying the tears. 

I will remember the 3 kids’ birthdays that we were able to celebrate as an entire family of 8, instead of having half of our family away at school. When asked what he wanted to do for his birthday (“Invite a couple friends?” “Have a backyard campfire?”), the brand new 18-year old responded, “I just want to spend it playing games with the family.” Yeah, I won’t forget that one, son. Thank you for that memory! 

I will remember the daily walks I took after online teaching to enjoy the sunshine, fresh air, alone time with God or with a long distance friend via phone call. 

I will remember the backyard campfires with friends and s’mores, fun and laughter. 

I will remember the worship band get-togethers to sing God’s praises in a time when we so desperately needed our spirits lifted. 

I will remember the evening nights spent playing family games, time we would have never had together otherwise. 

2020 was certainly not the year we expected it to be when we flipped the calendar and started making our plans and goals and resolutions. But the annual Christmas ornament I ordered says it well: 

“When the rest of the world stayed apart, 
Together was our favorite place to be.”

The Next Year

The 2021 memes have started. Have you seen them? 

“Well, that was a solid 5 days! Here’s to 2022!” (raises a glass to toast)

“I’d like to cancel my subscription to 2021. I’ve experienced the free 7-day trial and I’m not impressed.” 

2021 might not be the year we hope for either. But I have hope, friends. I do!  Here’s why:

God remains on his throne! 

What the world saw happen at the U.S. capital a week ago was disgraceful. It doesn’t matter who it was – it was not ok. And so many events that have transpired as a result of last week are even more deplorable. Hatred spews out of mouths; lies fire daggers at just about anyone. The sorry efforts to try to unite us are just dividing us further. 




All words that come to mind when I think of a great nation, such as ours. All characteristics that are describing our country less and less these days. 

But we remember: God remains on his throne!  

Not kings, princes, presidents or social media CEOs. God!

“God reigns over the nations;
God is seated on his holy throne!”
-Psalm 47:8

It’s easy to look at all these events and say, “Well, it’s no wonder! They wanted God out of our schools, out of our courthouses and out of our public squares. They got what they asked for!” True statements, yes. 

But we also need to look at these events and repent. We are part of the problem too. I believe Christians have allowed contempt for God and his Word for far too long. We have resisted, but have we resisted in ways that make a difference? Have we proclaimed the truth at all costs?  Have we written to our congressmen and women to express frustrations over liberties lost instead of complaining to each other? Have we prayed without ceasing that God causes people to turn back to him? Have we used our time and treasures to support churches and organizations that stand for everything God teaches us? Have we taken advantage of every opportunity to be salt and light in a world that so desperately works to kill and destroy anything that’s good? 

And we have to answer no, we have not done all these things as God calls us to. So we repent and trust that God hears our cries for mercy. 

Give ear to my words, O LORD,
consider my sighing. 

Listen to my cry for help, 
my King and my God, 
for to you I pray. 

In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. 

You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil;
with you the wicked cannot dwell. 

The arrogant cannot stand in your presence;
you hate all who do wrong. 

You destroy those who tell lies;
bloodthirsty and deceitful men the LORD abhors. 

But I, by your great mercy, 
will come into your house;
in reverence will I bow down toward your holy temple. 

Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness because of my enemies – make straight your way before me.
-Psalm 5:1-8-

So why can we have hope for 2021, even after all that we’ve seen happen in just the first 2 weeks? Because Christians are speaking out. Turn off all the noise and news on your social media and find the Christians. They are speaking out through songs and speeches. They are gathering on beaches, in malls, and even on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. By. The. Thousands. 

They are proclaiming God’s name and standing up for what is noble and true. With all the drastic and fast changes in our country, Christians are feeling pressed down on every side and they won’t take it any longer. We have people that are on fire for the Lord that just needed a little extra fuel to be urged to fan into flame that gift to share his message louder and farther. We know we need to teach the next generation God’s ways so they too will walk in truth.

As much as it seems the world’s governments are the supreme authority, we Christians know that to be a complete lie.

[Jesus] is the image of the invisible God,
the firstborn over all creation.
For by him all things were created;
things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible,
whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;
all things were created by him and for him.
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
-Colossians 1:15-17

God knows what he’s doing. Through it all, he is in control and working all things for the benefit of his Kingdom, things we don’t know and can’t see. May God give us all the perseverance, wisdom and strength to continue living in this veil of tears, as hard as it is, because we know “that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18)

My daily flip calendar in my classroom. Seems to be good timing.

So now, be encouraged by this:

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” -Isaiah 52:7

Stay strong! Proclaim the good news of peace!
In God we trust and put our hope!

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  1. I love to read these posts. I thought I got on your mailing list. However I have not been receiving these posts. Your mom forwarded this one to me. I will fill out the form below again. ❤️

    1. Thank you! I’m happy you have enjoyed them. Be sure to “confirm subscription” in a new email you should receive. God’s blessings!

    1. You’re welcome, Maribeth! Jesus is our King and has given us all strength to be his ambassadors. God bless you as you too live for him.

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