Two friends who spent years together on bleachers, in Bible Studies, and in classrooms came together for this writing effort. Since we both have a love for writing, we realized ‘together’ was definitely better than ‘alone’. After discovering that we each had the desire to author a children’s devotion book, we set out with the goal of co-authoring such a devotional. Progress was slow and life’s events continued to interrupt our best-laid plans, and we determined that maybe that project wasn’t what God had in mind for us. Yet. We haven’t completely discarded that idea, but we are exploring other writing opportunities. While a blog was never the goal or dream for either of us (I mean, for real! Blogging wasn’t even a thing 20 years ago), here we are, doing what might be the first of more “steps” in the writing journey.

PAULA: I am a Christian wife, mom, educator, daughter, friend, author, tea drinker and essential oil enthusiast. I love the sand beneath my feet and the warm sun on my skin, yet have been planted in Minnesota, which I don’t mind as long as I can get to a beach every now and then. Though undeserving, I am living under God’s grace.

Most artists begin practicing (and loving!) their craft at a young age. I began writing at a young age, of course, as early as I could hold a chubby crayon. I wouldn’t exactly call that the beginning of my love for writing. In fact, I distinctly remember much complaining and fretting when given a creative writing assignment in 7th grade. It wasn’t until high school that I began to enjoy writing – if you can call it that – because it truly was just in a journal for my own release of emotions.

As I neared my college graduation, I realized what few resources there were for teachers for classroom devotions. My first writing dream was born. I gave myself a goal of 5 years. In 5 years I will have a children’s devotion book written that could be used in the classroom or the home.

Five years post-graduation I was married and had 3 children and was 6 months pregnant with our 4th. The dream still existed, but the time for writing did not. The only writing I did was for our family Christmas letters or medical forms. As our family expanded to eight and our children grew, I eventually had a bit more time for writing. Some individual devotions and a few articles for a Christian publication were published. Still, the original dream was not coming to fruition.

Our babies grew to toddlers and elementary-aged children. Different medical needs arose. Time and energy were poured into family and ministry. We moved a state away from where we first put down our family’s roots. But it is here where my dream found its mate and I thank God for the friendship he has blessed me with. The dream for writing a children’s devotion book has not gone away; it’s still there, as well as dreams to write other books (the ideas just don’t stop coming.) For now, this is where God has me – this phase of life where my husband continues church ministry, my youngest is nearing the end of elementary school and my oldest is about to graduate college, and I’m still wondering where the time has gone.

Most nights my head hits the pillow exhausted from another day, replaying conversations that could have been more productive or kind, realizing things I didn’t get done, or simply wishing for a good night’s sleep. As I say my prayers, asking God’s forgiveness and thanking him for the blessings of today, I realize tomorrow is a new day.  Another day to live in his grace, knowing his mercies are new every morning.

BECKY: My God-given roles include wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, aspiring writer, and most definitely coffee drinker. The busy-ness of this time of my life means that I can hardly remember what I like to do in my free time, though I recall fondly the days of reading for fun, and I would like to spend more time quilting to find out if I truly enjoy it. I’d jump at the chance to travel just about anywhere, especially if there is no chance of snow or cold.

I am still trying to discover what I want to be when I grow up. While prayerfully deliberating my true life’s calling, I have spent 15+ years, on and off, at the front of the classroom in schools in Indonesia, Colorado, and Minnesota, teaching but learning even more from students in PreSchool, Elementary, and High School.

Most importantly, I treasure my roles of wife and mother. My husband of 18 years and I live on his family’s farm in rural Minnesota. My gifts for being a farmhand are few, but I am available for moral and prayer support, along with the occasional delivery of fuel for the machinery or fuel for nourishing the body. We have been blessed with three children; our two sons are high schoolers, and I try not to allow myself to dwell on the too-quickly approaching time when they will be out of the house. Our youngest, a daughter, battled cancer as a toddler and has been living in the mansions of heaven for the past ten years.

Early in my teaching career, I felt that a need existed for more options for children’s devotionals. I began writing my own devotions to use in the classroom and imagined that “someday,” I’d publish them. God-willing, that “someday” is yet to come. During my daughter’s illness and after her death, I recognized how therapeutic it was to put into print my feelings and to share with others how God was always there to see me through each challenging day.

The various journeys and experiences of my life have only intensified the feeling to document how God daily works in my life and provides the strength needed to face with true joy whatever comes my way. What a blessing God gave me when he allowed Paula’s path and mine to cross, and it is exciting to consider what God may have planned for this friendship and partnership.

I have always felt that there is a story (or several?) in my heart waiting to be told/written, and some of the chapters just might be composed and revealed through this blog. Only God knows what each day holds, but how comforting it is to know that each and every morning brings with it God’s faithful mercies.

Paula and Family
Becky and Family