It’s Overwhelming

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Image by Johnny Gunn from Pixabay

It is all just so overwhelming.  Wars in various places around the world erode our own sense of security.  We hear accounts of unthinkable atrocities being committed and cannot begin to fathom how humans could do such things to one another.  

Divisions among our fellow citizens appear to be deepening daily.  Hateful words flow freely against anyone who has a differing opinion.  When shouting down the opposition doesn’t achieve the desired results, attacks are planned and carried out with deadly results.  Hatred runs rampant.  It is so overwhelming! 

There is a growing mental health crisis in our society.  Rates of depression are skyrocketing.  Suicide rates are at an all-time high.  Our young people, especially, are searching for identity or direction, struggling with issues unfolding in new ways for their generation. They flounder in a world that doesn’t seem to know how to guide them.  Overwhelming!

Inflation, crime, immigration, politics, addiction, unemployment, mental health, identity crises, natural disasters, wars, family breakdowns, social media, violence, poverty, isolation, education, the environment – the list of distressing or controversial issues goes on and on.  Unrest on the other side of the world, across the country, in nearby neighborhoods, or even, perhaps, within the walls of our own homes, inside our own hearts. Overwhelming doesn’t begin to describe the difficulties that face us as citizens of this world.

What Are We To Do?

There are days that I want to lock myself away from the outside world and pretend that all of that evil doesn’t affect me.  There’s nothing one person can do about it anyway, right? But whether we are aware of all of the world’s evils or not, whether we choose to acknowledge them or not, they are there. Our world is deathly ill, and we are not unaffected.

On other days, I am drawn to do more than stick my head in the sand. I might join those individuals who focus on a particular issue or two that weigh heavily upon them.  We may actively search for solutions and devote much time and energy to addressing poverty, pollution, or family violence.  We might seek to learn all we can about issues related to public education, mental health, or a particular political issue. That is commendable!  Such activism can no doubt bring about beneficial results.  But each issue has an abundance of unique, problematic angles. Comprehensive, lasting solutions are difficult, if not impossible, to develop. Our feeble efforts might barely make a dent, and the problems continue.  

Life is just so overwhelming!

Why Should We Expect Anything Different?

But that shouldn’t come as a surprise to us.  Ever since our world became infected by sin, evils of all sorts have caused great distress.  Wars, hatred, illness, depression, and all of the rest are inescapable as long as we dwell on this earth.  God hasn’t hidden this fact from us:  

In Matthew 24, we hear Jesus warn of wars and rumors of war, nations rising against nations, famines and earthquakes, persecution, betrayal, hatred, deception, and an overall increase of wickedness.  Saint Paul wrote to Timothy about the terrible times of the last days, when people would be – among other evils – greedy, abusive, disobedient, unloving, unforgiving, lacking self-control, brutal, rash, and treacherous (2 Timothy 3). The overwhelming problems of this world come as no surprise to God.

There IS a Solution

Our God foresaw all of the accumulated effects and the destruction that would come because of sin.  In love, he sent his Son to rescue us and to save us from suffering even more severe consequences eternally in hell.  

God sent his only Son to endure the consequences of this sin-sick world, though Jesus himself was sinless.  He lived a perfect life and credited it to us.  He suffered death – death of the worst kind – so that we would not suffer eternal death.  He rose again to guarantee that the debt of sin has been paid and salvation is assured.  

Talk about overwhelming!  Imagine – if it were possible even to imagine – such overwhelming love!  Imagine the sacrifice made for undeserving sinners like you and me!

Because of what our God has done, we are privileged to view all of life’s afflictions through the lens of eternity.  Though suffering on this earth is great, God has planned an ending point for it.  We are not left without hope!

An Overwhelming Future

As Jesus foretold the evils of this world, he also foretells what is still to come.  Revelation 21:4 assures us that the day is coming when “He will wipe every tear from [our] eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain.” 

John also records this comforting promise of Jesus: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.  My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” (John 14:1-3)

As my congregation recently celebrated All Saints’ Day, I  soaked in the words of the hymns and scriptures.  They deeply touched my heart – as God’s Word does – and brought overwhelming comfort.  As I thought of those members of our church who have received their crowns of life and are now gathered around the throne of the Lamb in joyous praise, I thought about all they are experiencing.  I thought about all that they are NOT experiencing.  The overwhelming issues of this earth no longer distress them.  Pure joy and freedom from all conflict are theirs.

I rejoice for my dearly loved ones, including my grandparents, and most especially my Anna, who are freed from the overwhelming anguish of this earth.  I imagine – I can only imagine – the eternal victory celebration they are now a part of.   I rejoice to think of them living in the mansions of heaven prepared for them, and I eagerly anticipate “moving in” with them someday.

Can you imagine the paradise that awaits?  Can you imagine endless days in the mansions of heaven, free from sadness, pain, loneliness, hatred, depression, worry, sickness, and conflict? 

What an overwhelmingly beautiful future God has in store for us!

That is what awaits each of us as redeemed children of God. Yes, our lives on this earth will continue to be plagued by problems that can be overwhelming. But this is temporary; it WILL end.  The issues brought about by sin will become extinct for us as we join those who have gone before us to receive the inheritance won for us by our Savior.

By God’s grace, we endure our comparatively light and momentary troubles knowing that the eternal glory that is to come far outweighs them all. (2 Corinthians 4:17) Fixing our eyes on what is to come, we know that “our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. ” (Romans 8:18)

Image by Joe from Pixabay

The Purpose of Suffering

In the meantime, the tumult of our lives does serve a purpose. The distressing aspects of this world make us eager for the end.  Truthfully, even though we see the ravages of sin around us, God has blessed us with such great abundance that we generally experience safe and comfortable lives.  But this earth is not our permanent home, and we aren’t meant to get too satisfied here.  Life’s difficulties drive us to look beyond this world and long for what is to come.  

As people who have been gifted the peace of knowing what awaits, we shine forth the hope and joy that we have because of our status as children of God.  The comfort that blesses God’s people needs to be shared with those who don’t have that life-giving hope.  There is little this world can offer regarding lasting relief or meaningful comfort.  People are searching for the answers we have. The gift of eternity is ours to share with the world around us.

It may be tempting to think that it is useless to even try to make a difference in a world that seems overwhelmingly hopeless. On the other hand, we may put too much on ourselves to be the ones who can “fix” things.  But somewhere between the extremes of “it is what it is” complacency and “I have to save the world” activism, God calls us to make use of opportunities he puts in front of us.  We are privileged to provide hope and ease the suffering of others through our words and actions.

God provides opportunities to share his love through what we do. Though we aren’t able to solve world hunger, we can donate to a local food shelf.  Maybe there isn’t much we can do for our society’s mental health crisis. We can, however, check in with someone who might be struggling and lend a sympathetic ear.  Social media will continue to take its toll on future generations, but we can work to establish meaningful, personal relationships with the young people around us. Wars continue to rage, but our words and actions have the power to speak God’s love to everyone we come into contact with.  

Be Overwhelmed!

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 
1 John 3:1

Nothing is more overwhelming than what God has done for us!  Though we were his enemies with nothing good to offer, God lavished his love upon us. He overwhelmed us with love we cannot begin to comprehend.  He made us his children and gifted us with a joy that knows no end.

When all that is wrong with this world threatens to overwhelm us,  we focus instead on the intensely overwhelming love of our Savior.  A love that solved our greatest problem by saving us from sin.  A love that promises that the troubles that overwhelm us today WILL come to an end.  A love that has prepared for us an eternity of unspeakable joy where we will be overwhelmed by nothing except the triumphal delight of living in the presence of our God. 

I treasure many hymns that speak this truth and point me to eternity. Here is one favorite.

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